


Special conversation with Ahmad Muna of the Educational Bookstore in Jerusalem
4:30 pm16:30

Special conversation with Ahmad Muna of the Educational Bookstore in Jerusalem

For three generations, the Educational Bookshop in Jerusalem has been a vital center of Palestinian culture that opens its doors to all. Last month, the Bookstore was raided by Israeli police. Two of its owners, Mahmoud and Ahmad Muna, were jailed. In court, the police offered only one specific act the Munas had committed: “Selling books.” The Munas were charged with disturbing the peace by selling “books containing content of incitement with nationalistic Palestinian characteristics.” The sole example given was a children's coloring book titled “From the River to the Sea.” 

The Munas’ arrest spurred global outrage. For many in the Extend community, this was a jarring event: the Munas have hosted hundreds of Extend participants in the Educational Bookstore, sharing their life stories, political analysis, and many wonderful books. 

Now released from prison, Ahmad Muna will speak to us about his detention, ongoing legal issues, the challenges faced by the Bookstore, and the broader Israeli state crackdown on Palestinian civil society. He will also share how each of us can act to support the Educational Bookshop.

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If you are unable to make the event, please consider donating to support the Educational Bookstore and sharing this event widely. 

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Online Lecture- Understanding Palestinian Schoolbooks: Education, Identity, and Resistance  by dr. Samira Alayan
6:00 pm18:00

Online Lecture- Understanding Palestinian Schoolbooks: Education, Identity, and Resistance by dr. Samira Alayan

In this insightful lecture, Dr. Samira Alayan will explore the evolution of Palestinian textbooks. Drawing from her extensive research, she will examine how these textbooks shape Palestinian identity, reflect the ongoing political struggle, and serve as a tool for resistance against occupation.

Drawing from her extensive research and personal insights, Dr. Alayan will explore how the new curricula reflect not only the educational needs of Palestinian students but also the broader political context in which they are situated. Dr. Alayan will discuss the ways in which the curriculum emphasizes Palestinian sovereignty, presents "the self" versus "the other," and promotes values of equality and inclusion. She will also highlight how these changes mark a departure from earlier, more neutral educational approaches, reflecting a broader effort to shape a national narrative and foster resilience among students.

Through this lecture, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how education in Palestine is intertwined with the fight for self-determination and how textbooks serve as both an educational tool and a form of resistance.

You can sign-up for the lecture via this link.

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9:00 pm21:00


Join FFIPP co-founder Yoav Elinevsky, Executive Director of the Middle East Children’s Alliance Zeiad Abbas Shamrouch from Dscheisha Camp, and international development economist Coleen Littlejohn for this webinar on Sunday, May 19th; where they will discuss the on-going genocide in Gaza and the meaning of Nicaragua's charge before the International Court of justice, that Germany is violating the Genocide Convention by supplying Israel with weapons, and enabling it to continue with the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank.  

Noon Pacific time / 1 pm Nicaragua / 8 pm Greenwich UK/ 9 pm Paris


Zeiad Abbas Shamrouch is the Executive Director of the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA),  a nonprofit humanitarian aid organization based in Berkeley, California, which supports children and families in Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon. He is a Palestinian refugee from Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the West Bank. He is the co-founder of the Ibdaa Cultural Center in Dheisheh. Zeiad is also a filmmaker, journalist and educator who has worked with Palestinian and international media and has participated in the production of several documentary films.

Yoav Elinevsky is a peace activist, a native of Jerusalem and  a community college professor emeritus of mathematics from Massachusetts.   He is the co-founder of FFIPP, an international network of faculty and students that organizes internships for college students in the occupied West Bank as well as delegations of faculty and students to the West Bank and Gaza since 2002.

Coleen Littlejohn, a Managua resident since 1980, is an international development economist.  She has worked for a wide range of organizations such as Catholic Relief Services, the International Reconstruction Fund (FIR),  Nicaragua Network, CAPRI (a local development NGO she founded in 1988), Save the Children Canada  (Managua and Toronto) and the World Bank in Nicaragua, Liberia, West Africa and in Washington, DC.

This event is hosted by Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition, which has a new website:

Register here: 

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Film 200 mètres suivi d'un débat proposé par Histoire de Palestine(s) - Clé des Ondes 90.1 FM
7:30 pm19:30

Film 200 mètres suivi d'un débat proposé par Histoire de Palestine(s) - Clé des Ondes 90.1 FM

"Histoire(s) de Palestine", l'émission que nous animons avec l'Union Juive Française pour la Paix Aquitaine et Palestine 33 (AFPS), en partenariat avec la radio La Clé des Ondes, vous invite à la première du film "200 mètres", d'Ameen Nayfeh !

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The Ongoing Nakba of Palestinians: 73 years of settler colonialism
2:00 pm14:00

The Ongoing Nakba of Palestinians: 73 years of settler colonialism

Join to learn about the events of 1948 in Palestine, the ethnic-cleaning of Palestinians, and how since then, Palestinians live an ongoing Nakba that can be observed in their everyday lives and in the current events. The event will offer a historical perspective of the Nakba of 1948, as well as contemporary perspective on the ongoing settler-colonialism, illegal occupation, and Israeli apartheid regime.

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Zoom Event: Quanti Stati per Gerusalemme?
6:30 pm18:30

Zoom Event: Quanti Stati per Gerusalemme?

FFIPP Turin presents their upcoming lecture event with Giorgio Gomel and Claudia de Martino on the topic of ons-state / two-state solutions in relation to the question of Jerusalem. Both of the proposed solutions face many challenges. Several critical issues also derive from the current political uncertainty in Israel, which is proving to make the road to a just and lasting peace even more complex.

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Vacunación en Israel: una visión contrastada desde Palestina
7:00 pm19:00

Vacunación en Israel: una visión contrastada desde Palestina

On Monday 1/3, from 19:00 to 20:00 (GMT+1), FFIPP Spain will be talking with one of the most prominent Spanish researchers, Itxaso Domínguez, about the vaccination process in Palestine. The event will be in Spanish, but questions and comments in English are welcome!

Please contact to participate.

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Dominique Vidal: la politique des Etats-Unis au Proche Orient de Trump à Biden
6:00 pm18:00

Dominique Vidal: la politique des Etats-Unis au Proche Orient de Trump à Biden

Quelques semaines après l'élection de Joe Biden à la tête des Etats-Unis, nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir Dominique Vidal, historien et journaliste du Monde diplomatique. Ce dernier viendra décrypter les dégâts provoqués par la diplomatie de Donald Trump au Proche Orient, et les perspectives qu'offre la récente élection du démocrate Biden.

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Webconférence : les Israéliens et la Nakba
7:30 pm19:30

Webconférence : les Israéliens et la Nakba

Le terme Nakba, ou « catastrophe » en arabe, fait référence à l’expulsion de près de deux tiers de la population palestinienne par Israël en 1948, et la destruction de leurs villages. Eitan Bronstein, figure de la gauche antisioniste israélienne, sera à nos côtés pour comprendre comment les Israé voient la Nakba, entre déni radical et une certaine reconnaissance.

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Webconférence - Loi sur l'État-Nation du peuple juif
6:30 pm18:30

Webconférence - Loi sur l'État-Nation du peuple juif

L’adoption de cette loi fondamentale par la Knesset le 19 juillet 2018 fait d’Israël non plus l’État de tous ses citoyens mais « l’État nation du peuple juif ». Cette loi ne reconnaît le droit à l’auto- détermination qu’au seul « peuple juif » ; elle fait des 1,5 millions de Palestiniens d’Israël des citoyens de seconde zone ; elle remet en cause le caractère démocratique de l’État d’Israël. De plus, elle fait de la colonisation une valeur nationale.

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Colonialism = Climate Crisis: The Case of Palestine
8:00 pm20:00

Colonialism = Climate Crisis: The Case of Palestine

In this Zoom forum, we will discuss the impact of colonialism on indigenous communities and its links to conflict, displacement and ecological destruction. Palestine will be used as a case in point that illustrates how modern colonialism is contributing to climate chaos. We will also look forward to what climate justice can mean if everyone's voices are heard. Panelists include local York activists, a professor at the University of Sheffield, and a Palestinian NGO worker in the West Bank.

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COVID-19 in Palestine: The occupation in times of a pandemic
6:30 pm18:30

COVID-19 in Palestine: The occupation in times of a pandemic


On 19 June 2020, FFIPP Europe hosts a digital panel discussion on the current situation regarding COVID-19 in Palestine and the implications of the decades-long occupation by Israel. The discussion will focus on recent developments in the (mental) healthcare situation and the policies undertaken by the Palestinian Authority, the experiences of Palestinians in lockdown and the instrumentalisation of the global pandemic by Israel to reinforce its hold over Palestinian lives. We are honoured to be hosting Dr Samah Jabr, Inès Abdel Razek and Robert Swift as panellists and encourage the attendees to fuel the discussion by raising questions.

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Why Palestine is Still the Issue
6:00 pm18:00

Why Palestine is Still the Issue

1948 marked the ethnic cleansing of over half the Palestinian people from their homeland. Ever since, Palestinians have been struggling against settler-colonialism.

This discussion will bring together voices from all generations of the fight for Palestinian liberation, including acclaimed Israeli author and professor Ilan Pappé, a Palestinian activist in the West Bank, and campaigners involved in the international solidarity movement.

Zoom ID: 827-489-7492

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