Raising awareness online...
Watch “Why Palestine is still the issue” with Ilan Pappé, Baha Hilo, Rob Ferguson
After an extraordinarily challenging year, FFIPP Europe is looking forward to 2021 with great hope and excitement. Last year, the regular summer internship program in Palestine/Israel was unfortunately cancelled and replaced with a digital summer program which took place on ZOOM. While the digital program could not fully replace the learning experience on the ground, the contribution of a diverse set of lectures on various topics and areas by local academics, activists and NGO representatives helped create a educational and interesting program about human rights in Palestine/Israel.
A global pandemic and lockdown didn’t stop local chapters from organising interesting events. These have included an event on Bedouins of Palestine/Israel featuring B'Tselem בצלם and Adalah - The Legal Center For Arab Minority Rights In Israel, conversations with journalists and academics such as Dominique Vidal and professor Alvarez-Ossorio.
Despite the limitations and challenges of engaging in online events, it is crucial to continue promote discussions around Palestine/Israel and draw attention to the human rights situation in the region. FFIPP chapters will continue to do this in any capacity that is possible.
For more information about upcoming online events, click here.
Watch an online event on Bedouins of Palestine/Israel featuring B’Tselem and Adalah.
Watch the web conference here.